Yes, I know. Mankind has invented Axes for a reason. But sometimes, special tools make up for a better solution for certain situations and mine is making kindling. Small, slim pieces of wood, cumbersome to handle when you want to place the blade of your hatchet and simultaneoulsy get your fingers out of the way. So a kindling splitter is a useful tool and it has it’s justification. Here’s mine:
It’s made of simple hardware store steel, cut and welded together in less than half a day (that’s how my weldings look like…). It’s blade is replaceable in case I fuck up or want to attach a broader one. See the measurements below.
Notice the different bases in the images: As I found out, it’s vital that it is mounted to an even and firm, yet somewhat shock-absorbing base. So I threw out the tree slice again and gave it a wood block platform instead.
Materials list (see image 1):
– Side beams: 4 L-Rods, 25 x 25 x 430 mm
– Feet: 2 L-Rods, 25 x 25 x 140 mm
– Blade: 200 x 25 mm
– 2 Bolts, M10 x 40 plus nuts and washers
– Scrap wood for the base.