Uahhhh… 🙁 I went to the basement today and discovered this. Seems I’ll have to defrost the fridge (actually, both of my fridges) to make sure they work properly again. Here’s how to do it (this is a manly hint):
How cool! I found my old model stirling engine (similar to this one) while rummaging through the basement. It even works with a hot cup of tea! Read more about this cool gadget and the underlying interesting principle here on wikipedia.
Got myself a (fairly simple) multimeter for the northern germany refuge lately.
I wonder if I will eventually arrive at a point in my life when I’ve memorized these two simple symbols without having to look them up. Every. Single. Time. 🙂
Edit: Here’s a good explanation on how multimeters work (german language – sorry).
I needed this for a project that I’m working on at the moment (I can never remember it correctly…) I thought perhaps someone might find it useful.
More about LEDs on Wikipedia.
Here’s a nice overview of beef cuts, displayed on the wall of a nice restaurant (“Beef Kitchen“) where we had dinner last night.
Since I’ll be needing this most probably in the near future, here’s a scheme. Taken from Wikipedia (de).
I don’t know where this video is from, but it’s very interesting, especially for campers.
This is a highly interesting (german language) video about the function of the torque converter that drives every car with an automatic transmission. I didn’t know that before and learned a lot!
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To cut this short: DO always use your brain and always apply common sense 🙂
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