The chickens have moved to their new palace recently! The old wooden coop was finally rotten beyond repair – I suppose this type of pre-fabricated wooden structure is not meant to last forever anyway. So a new one had to happen and I put much emphasis on durability and strength. This in mind while doing some research, I came across “Nestera ™” coops from the UK on the internet, read several different reviews and finally bought one. Here’s an overview.
Yakisoba – Seasoning Sauce Test
I got to the local asian grocey store a couple of days ago (there aren’t so many of them here where I live, so unfortunately I don’t do that all too often) and I found a Yakisoba seasoning sauce that the store guy sold me as a kind of japanese staple condiment. Since I hadn’t seen this product in particular until now I of course bought it right away.
A test-dish with a serious amount of noodles and veggies was very delicious and I can absolutely recommend that brand.
Product Review: Bavarian Edge Knife Sharpener
I was looking for an at least semi-professional knife sharpener for the kitchen and stumbled upon “Bavarian Edge” brand and of course, if any, I had to buy this one – just for patriotism 🙂 After several weeks of use and testing I want to finally give my opinion on this one. Please note that I don’t make any money with this.
Greenhouse Kerosene Heater – Upgrade
My new greenhouse heater that I luckily got hold of. Since the previous one unfortunately was a real letdown, I gave another product a chance.
Originally, this an emergency kerosene heater, even suitable for living spaces, more expensive but also much more potent and durable. (This one to be precise, but it’s available as several different models for different prices and in different qualities).
I tested this product thoroughly and over several days before writing another enthusiastic article, and in this case I can indeed give a clear recommendation. It’s got a capacity of about four liters of kerosene which it burns in about 36 hours on the lowest setting – a thirsty sailor. But it works! As soon as it’s heated up, it doesn’t stink very much anymore, it doesn’t self-extinguish with a half-filled tank and it heats my 6 m² greenhouse to 3 °C when it’s -10 °C outside reliably.
Branding Iron
I’ve got my own branding iron! My logo, heatable and carved in brass!
It’s these guys who are making them and they’re really very supportive and customer-oriented! I’ve got the simple version that has to be heated externally (e.g. with a gas torch), but they also sell electrically self-heated irons as well.
Nice to Know: AC/DC Symbolism
Got myself a (fairly simple) multimeter for the northern germany refuge lately.
I wonder if I will eventually arrive at a point in my life when I’ve memorized these two simple symbols without having to look them up. Every. Single. Time. 🙂
Edit: Here’s a good explanation on how multimeters work (german language – sorry).
Finally – a Mousetrap that Works
I stumbled upon this YouTube Video and decided to give this method a try:
→ How to Make a Simple Catch and Release Bottle Mousetrap (that works!)
What shall I say? The counter is on three within two days now – better than every other trap I’ve tried so far. By the way, the secret bait is peanut butter. Jerry seems to like peanut butter 🙂
Product Review: Microplane Kitchen Grater
I’m not a kitchen tool voodooist and I’m normally sceptical when it comes to heavily advertised “world changing” kitchen appliances. But after seeing one of these microplane graters in what felt like the 500th youtube video, I decided to buy one and give it a try.
It’s a sturdy tool, as far as I read indeed “laser-etched” (whatever difference that may make) and it’s dishwasher safe. What makes a difference for me is that it grates almost everything that comes across for me to grind, from nutmeg to lemon zest to (comparably) soft cheese. The results are always fine gratings and not the ripped and torn shreddings that you get so often using other tools. Afterwards, it’s easy to clean.
Thumbs up, recommendation.
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