I am in the northern germany refuge right now (which I appreciate so very much!) and to my astonishment I realized that I don’t have a cold smoke generator up here… what a shame. So I made one from the materials I had lying around here and it seems to work just fine. I’m planning on smoking some salmon the next days (which somebody promised me to deliver), and I hope it’ll meet my requirements. Here’s the summary.

It’s not much more than two soup cans, some sanitary piping and an aquarium pump (don’t ask me why THIS one was seizable up here…). Just like the former one, it’s relying on the venturi effect, but this time with the blowpipe on top and with a lot less capacity – well, you have to make do with what you have. The lower ring is just a fallback in case it doesn’t get enough air when running for a longer time and I have to cut some holes into the bottom. BTW: The baffle on the back side is a real game changer. Mental note to myself: Always make one in the future. The smoke generation is absolutely acceptable and so I’ll try it out these days. I’m curious how it’ll do.


Parts overview: