I already made the “Spice’n Pansspecial oyster sauce mix and I used it a lot. Now I tried the shallot oil from the same video. The first taste test was delicious – I think I’ll keep this stuff in the fridge as well, as some kind of a kitchen staple 🙂

(Recipe credits: Spice’n Pans – YouTube. Visit his channel!)



250ml cooking oil
50g of thinly sliced shallots
150g red onion, in wedges
1 stalk Chinese leak, chopped up roughly
3 stalks spring onion, cut into 2″ lengths


How to make it:

To a deep skillet over medium to medium low heat add the cooking oil and the thinly sliced shallots right away. Stir often until the shallots are nicley golden brown, then remove from the oil. You can preserve these for later garnishing etc.

Add in the red onions and leeks and fry, stirring, until fragrant and browned. Then discard. Finally add in the spring onion, fry until brown, turn off the heat and discard.

Let cool and store in an airtight container in the fridge.