The raised beds in the garden dearly needed some protective layer for the still cold nights here in northern germany, thus, we bought some bed liners. They’re sold by the meter, so we had to attach some eyelets for fastening them to ground with tent pegs ourselves. Here’s how:

So how do you insert a grommet into fabric, or in my case, plastic sheets? Well, common eyelet sets come with a number of eyelet parts and some special tools, they’re cheap and convenient and available in every hardware store. Left is an overview of what’s in the kit.



Select the spot you want to insert the grommet to. Since I was working with plastic, I folded it over once and even additionally taped the spot up. This is purely optional, but I promise in terms of durability, it makes sense. Place your hole punch and, with a hammer, tap a hole into the material.


Next, grab your setting plate and an eyelet front part. This will be the front later so you want to insert it from the back of the material now! Add an eyelet ring to the top. NOTE: The ring has a rounded and a bulged side. Make sure the buldged side is facing up!


Now insert the setting tool from above and cautiously but assertively hammer the two parts together. Remove the tool and check for correct fit. Done.