I watched a very inspiring YouTube Video lately from a guy who made himself a meat slicer. Now, since I’m rather productive making bacon, dried meat or sausages every so often, I decided that I wanted one of these too! Mine is not as sophisticated as his (he is definitely “carpentry level: god”), but it works and I’m proud!
It’s made from ordinary sprucewood from the hardware store (16 mm) and consists of a v-shaped holding tray and a slicer arm with a custom cutting blade. The whole thing is finished with an oil/wax polish and the cutting arm is removable and can be disassembled for easy cleaning. If you want, you can see the plans below and build your own.
– Sheet of spruce wood, 200 x 600 x 16 mm
– Two each: Bolts M4 x 20, washers and wing nuts
– One bolt M8 x 70, three washers, wing nut
– Strip of knife grade steel for the blade, 200 x 20 mm
– Small stuff: Wood glue, some wood screws, finishing wax, etc.