Neatly ordered and organized for your viewing pleasure!
What do I need to keep in my cabinets and drawers to be “safe” for most situations when I have to feed some people or scratch up something for two “out of nothing”? This is what I always have in stock and refill reliably, just to have it available without having to think about it.
This is my personal roundup, it may lack a lot of stuff that other people deem indispensable, but it’s a list of staples that I think mostly anyone can get along with fairly well. If you like, you can also have a look on what I deem essential kitchen equipment. Read on…
Sauces & Condiments:
Dried Goods:
Canned Goods:
Liquids, Oils, etc.:
→ This list contains a lot of asian- / asian-cuisine products (marked “[A]“), that not everyone might need as often as I do. I just like asian cuisine so much… 🙂 Leave this out and you should be perfectly done. ←
Aaaand here’s a download for easy reference.