Years ago, I made cooking chuck box, intended to be used for an occasional overnighter at the lake and mounted in some form of converted van, station wagon or the like. Well, things went a little different – no van, but my trusty old Lada Niva, called “Juri” that I still proudly own today and that steadily serves me very well.
Cheese Curd Cutter
… or “cheese harp”. It’s used to cut the coagulated curds into equally sized pieces during the cheese making process. I made one since I either didn’t like the ones you can buy at the store or they are suited for large 50 l batches of milk. I needed one for my small 4-5 l milk portions that fits my pot.
Viking-style Table
After the viking-style chair I made shortly, I decided to make likewise coffee table as well, this time for my own backyard. It was as uncomplicated and as satisfiying as the first build, made from the same scaffolding oakwood with a 3 cm thickness.
“Shotgun Fruiting Chamber”
In order to assist my mushroom bags a little in growing I made this so-called “Shotgun Fruiting Chamber” that I stumbled upon here. It’s an easy concept, but afaics it makes perfect sense so I’m going to try it.
Wooden Viking Chair
In winter I planned to make a viking style chair for the northern germany garden. Now, by chance, we’ve got a very pretty wooden bench and I don’t need another chair anymore. Which doesn’t keep me from building it nonetheless and give it away as a present to a friend of mine who is much into viking lore anyway.
Mushroom Cultivation Bags
German TV can be a cornucopia of documentaries. Of course: Hitler. Up and down. I can’t stand that guy anymore, just because of his omnipresence. This is presumably the most reliable way to prevent something like this from ever happening again – grinding people’s last nerves with it 🙂
But also interesting stuff! Like for example on professional mushroom growing in an old airforce aircraft shelter. Made me try some cultivation bags on my own again, as I found a left over box of store-bought mycelium in the shed. I didn’t have a clue if it was still any good, but it was worth the try and as usual, I had a little fun.
Rotary Tumbler Contraption
I made a rotary tumbler device for metal cleaning (mainly knife blanks) from stuff I had in the shop. The goal is to somewhat “polish” the metal before further treatment. It’s made of a 12V-Motor, some scrap wood and a wine bottle tube.
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