Yesterday’s lunch. I love tarragon – it has a very special very distinctive and delicious taste and it fits perfectly to fish and other rather delicate dishes. My local fishmonger five minutes down the road had some beautiful fresh salmon trout available, so we gave it a hit.
Smoked Char
We got two beautiful chars from our favourite fishmonger and brined (see below) them over night. Then they were “hot smoked” – a fast and delicious cooking method, but not suitable for long-term preservation.
Hot smoke for about 30++ minutes (depending on the size of your fish) at up to 90°C/195 °F and until golden on the outside. Add your favourite smoking wood after 10 minutes for a nice aroma. They’re done when you can pull out the back fin very easily and can be served for example with toasted bread, salad and horseradish. They’ll keep in the fridge for max. 2-3 days.
Pan-fried Cod with Shallot Sherry Sauce Recipe
We’ve got a very good fishmonger literally “around the corner”, in not even five minutes walking distance. So we eat more fish when we’re here 🙂 This time it was fresh cod with a very delicious sauce and here is the recipe:
Holders for Flame Grilled Salmon
They had some wood bbq planks on sale at the hardware store, so of course I had to snatch at the offer. I want to make some flame grilled salmon finnish style (“Loimulohi“) and I’m not willing to spend money on an overpriced plank-holding-contraption. So I had to come up with my own and this here is my shameless copy:
Home Cured “Lox”
The latest batch of home cured salmon is ready and half of it is already gone. I love that stuff! My sister in law will come over these days and hopefully bring some blinis (she makes the original russian ones), so everything will be eaten up by at the latest this friday 🙂
I don’t know if my recipe is in any form “original” or “authentic”, I just know it’s delicious. Here’s how to make your own:
Seafood Gratin
I made a yummy Seafood Gratin these days. Attention: This is serious winter food – heavy, savoury, warming and high in calories… here’s how to cook it.
Seafood Chowder from the Slow Cooker
Ugly Fotos this time but a great meal! This is the Seafood Chowder we had for Dinner yesterday. 3 hours in the slow cooker made hearty, aromatic, fragrant and filling meal. Almost no work at all, easily available ingredients and a simple recipe. We’ll definitely do that again! Trust me: Do try this at home!
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