I was pondering a pizza oven for over a year now and now that the second lockdown in germany kicks in, I impulsively started working on one. Since I’m not a mason and since I definitely won’t start practising masonry with the most complicated structure – a dome – I decided to go for a metal drum instead of bricks.
How To: Use a Charcoal Chimney
I have an acquaintance who has never used a charcoal chimney. He’s not particularly a BBQ-type of person anyway, but he wanted to know how it works. So I dug out my trusty old chimney, fired it up and used it right away to try out my recently made indoor grill.
Indoor Grill tested
Well, tested outside for safety reasons 🙂 . But the grill worked fine! The heat it generated downwards was absolutely tolerable – I could hold my hand between the grill and the baseplate for several minutes without discomfort, and the coconut charcoal indeed produced almost zero smoke. Next test will be indoors.
Indoor Grill
Fassl BBQ Tripod (Western Style)
We’re planning to arrange a party for the immediate neighbourhood in the northern germany refuge because they’ve all been great people to us and we want to give something back. If this works out, I want to make a big pot of chili over the open fire for everyone. Best done in a big dutch oven over the “Fassl“, so here’s the tripod that I made for this occasion:
Fassl (Fire Drum)
I had a small, old lidless oil drum left over in the shop and decided to turn it into a fire barrel. I call it a “Fassl”, which is the german/bavarian diminutive for “barrel”, so the closest relatable translation would probably be “keg”.
Fierce and Deadly Churrasco Swords
I found an interesting image of some churrasco spits on the internet and thought to myself: Yeah! Why not make them look like a sword? It’d be wide enough to hold any piece of meat firmly and prevent it from rotating on the spit, plus I can poke into the ground if necessary, and – plus plus – it would simply look cool.
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