I sort of inherited an old fire extinguisher from the previous owner of our northern germany dwelling. Expired and last tested in 2002 it was standing in the corner mostly unnoticed, but now, after almost three years I decided to put it to use. What better afterlife use could there be for a fire extinguisher than to become a fire place 🙂
Homemade Tabletop Grill in Action
So we caught the weekly allowance of two hours of sunshine the german weather gave us today and used it to finally try out the tabletop grill. It works well and the insulation at the bottom is very effective – no particularly strong downward heat development, so it seems to be safe to use right at the table. Fotos:
Baking Bread in the Pizza Oven
So it was the first spring-like day after several weeks of hard winter today. Moderate temperatures and a lot of sunshine. Beautiful! We fired up the pizza oven and found that it also doubles very well for baking bread.
Holders for Flame Grilled Salmon
They had some wood bbq planks on sale at the hardware store, so of course I had to snatch at the offer. I want to make some flame grilled salmon finnish style (“Loimulohi“) and I’m not willing to spend money on an overpriced plank-holding-contraption. So I had to come up with my own and this here is my shameless copy:
A New Cold Smoke Generator
I am in the northern germany refuge right now (which I appreciate so very much!) and to my astonishment I realized that I don’t have a cold smoke generator up here… what a shame. So I made one from the materials I had lying around here and it seems to work just fine. I’m planning on smoking some salmon the next days (which somebody promised me to deliver), and I hope it’ll meet my requirements. Here’s the summary.
Firewood Splitter
Yes, I know. Mankind has invented Axes for a reason. But sometimes, special tools make up for a better solution for certain situations and mine is making kindling. Small, slim pieces of wood, cumbersome to handle when you want to place the blade of your hatchet and simultaneoulsy get your fingers out of the way. So a kindling splitter is a useful tool and it has it’s justification. Here’s mine:
Barrel Pizza Oven DIY, Part III, Finale
Barrel Pizza Oven DIY, Part II
Pizza oven progress! The cracks and holes that I wreaked when welding are filled with heat resistant silicone, and it got a coat of heat resistant paint. I also ordered an additional joint for the chimney that I’m still waiting for, so the chimney is only fastened temporarily. Also, an oven door is still missing because I need new material (I fucked up the old one…)
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