Lately, I had this as a little extra to the inevitable side of ciabatta bread at a good italian restaurant that I know. Well, now I’d like a bathtub full of this stuff and submerge in it, ok? Luckily, I’m in fairly good terms with the chef so I got the ingredients he uses – I hope I do him honor with my version.
Chimichurri is an argentine uncooked herb sauce normally served as a condiment with grilled meats and steaks. I made it for our christmas dinner (and promptly forgot in the fridge). In it’s country of origin the sauce is also used for marinating even fish or poultry. It’s very aromatic, fresh and delicious and it’s easy to make with a mortar and pestle.
Asian Cooking Ingredient Roundhouse Kick
I did a sweeping blow in the kitchen today. Inspired by one of those nasty food videos on YT with appetizing and mouthwatering pictures of delicious ramen bowls, I made a whole series of japanese soup ingredients that I have almost all made before in the past – but never all of them together.
Now I’ve got a nice collection of asian ingredients to use in the near future – besides, it was an enjoyable way to tackle my downright miserable mood this morning.
Homegrown Pear Sauce
It’s harvesting time for the pear tree in my munich garden and I got some really beautiful specimens. Now what to to do with it? I’m not a sweet-toothed guy at all but my wife likes vitamin kicks from self grown fruit very much, so, to preserve them I made her some pear sauce. There are a lot of cool recipes for pear-/apple sauce on the internet, but my girl likes it the simple and natural way, so here’s a very basic formula.
Currywurst Sauce
I’m on a diet at the moment but I’m absolutely willing to have the occasional cheat day, so I made a classic german treat for me and the SO: Currywurst! Here’s the recipe for Alex’s special Currywurst-Sauce!
Tomato Sauce (Basic Recipe)
My basic, easy and quick recipe for a really yummy pasta sauce. This base sauce can then also easily be honed up to your liking.
My BBQ Glaze
The 3.645.237’th BBQ-Glaze recipe on the internet. My personal favourite, because it’s easy to make, requires only common ingredients (yes, I DO NOT use vinegar) and it’s fu**ing delicious. Use it for spareribs and red meat roasted in the oven or in the smoker.
Fermented Chilies for BBQ Sauce
I read an article on home made fermented hot BBQ sauce and I wanted to try it myself. Here are the first results, I promise to post on the progress.
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