It was time to clear the fridge a little yesterday so I decided to treat myself with some yummy Chow Mein, using up what I didn’t want to spoil. It’s an easy but first of all very versatile dish, consisting of egg noodles, vegetables or proteins of your choice and a seasoning sauce (stolen, but as far as I know original). So, no fuzz and here’s how:
Shrimp, Egg and Scallion Chow Mein
Another quick, yet delicious dish that I’ve been making for years now. It’s a chinese / asian staple dish, easy to make and always satisfying. Some time ago, a chinese(?) person told me to try adding shiaoxing cooking wine (which I didn’t think about on myself and which is, unfortunately, not so easy to get here).
As I always want to to cook as “original” as I can, of course I had to try that: Much better! Here’s how:
Miso Spaghetti
Shallot Oil
I already made the “Spice’n Pans” special oyster sauce mix and I used it a lot. Now I tried the shallot oil from the same video. The first taste test was delicious – I think I’ll keep this stuff in the fridge as well, as some kind of a kitchen staple 🙂
(Recipe credits: Spice’n Pans – YouTube. Visit his channel!)
Special Oyster Sauce Mix
(Recipe credits: Spice’n Pans – YouTube. Visit his channel!)
One of my favourite asian cooking YouTube channels “Spice’n Pans” posted this recipe already a while ago: A simple, versatile and always seizable condiment for easy noodle dishes. For those days when you really can’t be arsed to make a big effort on cooking – I’ve tried this out and since then I always have a jar of it in stock in the fridge. Very convenient and very delicious. Since I used this condiment oftentimes now, I will also try the shallot oil he makes in his video.
Chicken with Mushrooms in Hoisin Sauce
Another un-fancy, yet yummy recipe you can easily memorize. It requires only a few ingredients, it’s no fuzz to make and it’s hearty and filling. Best served over rice.
Chicken with Hoisin Glaze
I made this these days for dinner. It’s easy and fast enough for a workday evening and it’s yummy as hell. And I will really have to work on my presentation 🙂 Here’s what you want to do:
Basic Udon Soup
I like asian food, especially noodles and whenever I stumble upon a recipe that catches my eye, I try to reproduce it. So here is today’s shot at “Basic Udon Soup” that I discovered on this guy’s very well made Youtube channel that I’ve been following for years now. This is not an overly savoury or particularly filling soup, rather some light meal. Watch the video or read on here how to make it:
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