A Simple Ramen Dish made from chicken soup and my homemade chili oil. This is way better than the industrial ramen packages.
Chinese salt and pepper chicken
Very very yummy! Another one that I really wanted to try for some time now, I made it with garlicky, buttery beans as a side dish. It’s easy enough to make even on a workday evening and I think it would also go well with rice or any other greens that you like.
Spicy Hoisin Ribs
This is yesterdays dinner. My SO was not so amused, since she can’t eat pork meat, but she always lets me cook things like this just to see me rolling around, completely overeaten and swearing to never do this again… 🙂
Vietnamese crispy spring rolls
We made spring rolls yesterday evening! Delicious little bastards…
My Asian-style fried rice
Asian-style fried rice: Easy, delicious, fast. (Serves: 1)
Slow cooker teriyaki-style honey and sesame turkey breast
(What a title…) A new try with the slow cooker. Teriyaki-style honey and sesame turkey breast with mushrooms and spring onions for three persons. Since it turned out delicious, as I promised here’s the recipe. I found it somwhere on the internet and (strongly) adapted it to my needs.
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